
Medical research has proven the effectiveness of acupuncture for its remedial effects in treating certain musculoskeletal conditions of the foot and leg which cause pain. As we believe in an integrated approach to client care, our practitioners are qualified in acupuncture treatment. We offer acupuncture to aid your recovery where it is deemed appropriate.

There are two different types of acupuncture practiced in Britain today and at Feet in Motion Norfolk, we are fully trained in both:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture

This derives from the principles of Chinese medicine that looks at the whole body as a series of energy channels (meridians) with the objective of restoring the balance of the whole body.

Western Acupuncture

This approach combines some of the ideas of TCM and uses traditional acupuncture points in conjunction with the latest research. It uses acupuncture to treat trigger points in the musculoskeletal system and relieve muscular tension and pain.

All of our acupuncture practitioners are registered with the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP). More information about the AACP can be found here.

If you have any questions please get in touch by calling 01603 501299 or emailing us on

To begin your treatment plan, please call your nearest practice for bookings or further information.