Back Pain
Back pain is a complex condition ranging from a sudden twinge to chronic and persistent pain which has a debilitating effect on a sufferer's life. There is no single cause of back pain and unfortunately there is no single cure which can make it hard for the patient to fully understand their condition.
What is Back Pain?
Any pain is a signal that all is not well and back pain is no different. Our backs are made up of a bones, muscles, nerves and joints and if we suffer from back pain something within this complex structure has become affected through everyday activities like bending or lifting or by an underlying condition like sciatica. In the medical profession, it is usual for back pain to be separated into lower back pain and upper and middle back pain, with the lower being the most common cause of everyday back pain.
What can Feet in Motion do to help you?
At Feet in Motion, we believe that pain needs to be managed over the long-term and our Chartered Physiotherapists take a holistic approach which means that we look closely at a person's whole lifestyle, current exercise levels, foot biomechanics and overall health to get the bigger picture about your back pain. We use hands on treatment, studio equipment, and a range of evidence based services which could be Clinical Pilates, Acupuncture, Aquatic Therapy and Hypervibe technology.
What can I do to help my condition?
Self-management of back pain is crucial for recovery and our staff will enable you to follow a programme to help restore movement and function. We will give you specifically-designed exercises to perform at home.
If you have any questions please get in touch by calling 01603 501299 or emailing us on
To begin your treatment plan, please call your nearest practice for bookings or further information.